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Clutch probem -- how do I tell if it's the master or slave?


The problem is with my 88 duke powered t-top car. It started when I tried to drive it after it has sat a while. The clutch was very soft, and I couldn't get it into gear. The fluid in the master was low. So I topped it off, pumped the clutch a while, and it got firm and I was able to drive it. The problem has gotten worse over time, and today when I wanted to drive it, no amount of pumping would make the clutch work well enough to drive the car. The slave is a Rodney Dickman slave with dual seal piston, but it is several years old. Since his are made of aluminum, not steel or iron, I've always wondered if they would "wear out' over time. In any case, is there an easy way to tell which is bad -- the slave or master?

I've been running a Dickman master and slave on my 87 for about 10 years without any problems.  Have you checked for leaks behind the pushrod boots on each one?  If the fluid had to be topped off, there may be a leak.  If you need the Dickman slave rebuild kit, I have one.  You might try a Toyota dealer for an 85 MR2 slave rebuild kit.  If they don't have it, you can get mine and repay me later.  I know you're in a crunch for the 40th. 

My V8 car was acting like that. The hard line had went bad and was letting air in but not fluid out

He started to the 40th in the 3800 and had to turn back.  Found that the Duke slave was leaking.  I thought I had a Dickman repair kit but it turned out to be a used piston.  He replaced it and got a short distance from home and it failed.  There are no Toyota MR2 pistons in the state so he had to get a Uber lift to the Autozone warehouse in Lilburn to purchase a complete MR2 slave just to get the piston.  Should win the Hard Luck Award if he ever makes it to Pontiac.


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