Georgia Fiero Club Forum

General Discussion and Announcements => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fierofool on April 17, 2017, 11:32:51 pm

Title: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 17, 2017, 11:32:51 pm
I'm going to be taking a little break for about a week to relax and rest.  If anyone needs me for anything, email or call my cell phone.  I may not see personal messages posted on the forum. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 17, 2017, 11:38:09 pm
I hope to visit some day, and find you strong and healthy.  I've noticed that you seemed to be struggling a bit, lately, but then you made sunrise services for Easter, so I figured all was OK.

Prayers and best wishes headed your way.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 20, 2017, 06:52:26 pm
When we're out of our office, this is what happens:

It took most of the day to clean this up.  Actually, this was after some cleanup had been done.  I didn't get a picture of the door.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Drewbdo on April 21, 2017, 09:33:52 am
^^ WOW!  :o  ;D lol

Almost makes you not want to miss a day at work. ;)
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 21, 2017, 06:49:44 pm
Yeah...The CEO was gone for a month, and came back to find his office full (to the ceiling) of those sticky plastic peanuts.  The CFO's office was filled with smashed soda cans, and basically trash.

When one of the girls got married to a guy with the last name of Miller, her office was filled with empty boxes of Miller, lost of women's underclothings, various creams, and some other things.  Two other girls are currently pregnant.  6 weeks will give someone a lot of time.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 23, 2017, 05:44:41 pm
All week I kept my eyes open for another Fiero and never saw one.  But I think I found a future Fiero driver.

Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 23, 2017, 05:47:28 pm
T. looks great!  Grandpa is rubbing off on her.

You drove your Fiero?
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 23, 2017, 08:27:33 pm
Nah!  With everything I had to take there wouldn't be room for a driver.  That's my Ford Truck in the background.

Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 23, 2017, 08:29:48 pm
How did you manage the tanks for Melanie?
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 23, 2017, 09:04:04 pm
The truck is ideal for our needs.  With the factory bed liner, there are 3 places to insert 2 x 4's for the purpose of making a second level inside the bed.  It has a hard cover so everything's protected from the weather.  The power chair is carried on that lift gate you can see at the rear.  The 2 x 4 at the front is spaced just far enough from the front of the bed to cradle a large oxygen bottle.  That's where we place the ones we use for local travel.  Two of the smaller bottles, each about 30" tall, fit under each side of the rear seat.  We get about 6 hours on one of the large bottles and about 4.5 hours on 2 of the smaller bottles.  So, just with those, we can get about 15 hours.  Then add another 4.5 hours for the two bottles in her hand cart, and another 6 in the extra large tank I took along. 

I also requested a 12 Liter LOX tank be delivered to our home before we left.  That will provide several days of continuous oxygen.  That was placed in the rear seat.  We used that one to get up there and back.  We also took along 2 10-Liter concentators that we used at the resort, plus the oxygen company delivered another large bottle and 12 small bottles to the resort for our stay.

I designed and had a mount made that carries her pull cart on her power chair.  That way I don't have to run along behind her towing the cart and sharing her oxygen with her. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 23, 2017, 09:10:34 pm
That way I don't have to run along behind her towing the cart and sharing her oxygen with her. 

You crack me up.  The mental image of you huffing and puffing, jogging along beside her, swapping the oxygen back and forth struck me as funny for some reason.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Raydar on April 23, 2017, 09:21:16 pm
Welcome home. I'm happy that y'all had a good time. I saw some of the pics that Mel posted, elsewhere. Beautiful place.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 23, 2017, 09:31:15 pm
She had a bit of a rough time.  Got sick twice from eating seafood, then caught her left little toe on a chair leg and re-positioned it to a 90 degree angle from her other toes.  When I pushed it back in place, it was like crushing a hand full of potato chips. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 23, 2017, 09:35:31 pm
Ouch!  Is it good to go, or was a doc visit required for the toe?  No more kicking chairs into place--or at least use the big toe.

Seafood isn't my friend, either.

At least she was enjoying herself in the pic above.

Oh.  Was the trip restful?
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Raydar on April 23, 2017, 09:36:54 pm
I saw that comment on FB, about her toe.
I was going to make a comment about her getting "toe up", but thought better of it. I hope she recovers quickly.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 23, 2017, 09:53:46 pm
She played field hockey in high school.  Broken toes are nothing new to her.  She's broken that toe and several others multiple times.  Never a doctor.  Not much they can do except hand you a bill for the office visit. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 23, 2017, 10:28:05 pm
I was worried about the crunching.

Field Hockey?  I figured from that look she had in the chair that she's a character.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on May 09, 2017, 11:05:24 pm
At one time, if I even walked toward one of the Fieros, Tegan would bolt for the frknt door.  Sometimes crying.  She is very sensitive to noise.  After picking her up at daycare once, she began losing her fear of the sound.  Eventually she began to ask if I would come get her in The Race Car. 

Later we progressed to the point that she rode in my lap on the lawnmower, down to the back fence and back.  Earlier in this thread, I showed you my big surprise when she got behind the wheel of the gokart.  That was her first time to ever drive and she made a half dozen laps, passing a little boy in the process.

Today I picked her up frkm Pre-K in the 86 and she was all excited about that.  As I pulled out on the highway, I accelerated pretty hard and she started to scream.  "Yeah!, Yeah!"  As I shifted into 2nd, she yelled "Do it again!"  She was really enjoying that 140 HP mid-engine roar.

I think there's a future for my Fieros.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on July 22, 2017, 08:36:52 am
Um, Fierofool, are you OK?  Haven't seen you on, for a bit.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on July 22, 2017, 11:50:58 am
I'm OK.  Mel is struggling so I stay close to her.  Just busy with other things.

Thank you for your concern.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on July 22, 2017, 12:23:50 pm
Sorry to hear Mel is having a difficult time, but glad you're OK.

Prayers and best wishes to Mel.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on September 26, 2017, 07:23:04 am
Fierofool, all good with you and Mel?  Haven't seen you on for a bit.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on September 26, 2017, 08:18:13 am
Thank you for your concerns.  I'm well.  Been busy with some things around the house and with the church and the granddaughter at school.  Regular doctor's appointments.  One of my brothers has been with us for a few days, doing some repair work on the house.  Helping some people online.

Melanie's been having an increasingly difficult time, both with breathing and with pain.  Difficulty in walking very far so I sometimes need to stay close. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on September 26, 2017, 08:19:13 am
Prayers for Melanie.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Tha Driver on September 26, 2017, 11:08:15 am
Prayers for Melanie.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

Custom Fiberglass Parts (
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Raydar on September 26, 2017, 06:10:39 pm
Prayers for you guys, as always.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on September 26, 2017, 07:45:55 pm
Thank you all.  She has an appointment with her pulmonolygist next week for her regular breathing test.  In the test, she has to remove her oxygen.  She can't do that this time. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on December 07, 2017, 07:31:06 pm
They got me.  I was late coming into work this morning (the thermal coupling on my furnace was out), and they sure were ready for me.  My office was full of frogs.  Everywhere.  Here are a few:

When I went to sit down, the chair didn't feel right.  Someone had removed the seat cushion and put a pail of water under the cloth.

My computer was off.  When I went to turn it on, it made a funny noise, and spewed confetti all over.

There was some silver goo on the door handle.

When I went to the restroom to clean up, a bucket of beer of some sort fell off the door.  I got some on one shoulder and arm.

By the time I got the confetti off me, and washed the beer off, the inspector was due.  I can't wait to see this report.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 20, 2018, 12:40:08 pm
You had me worried, Fierofool. I hope your back is better.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 21, 2018, 09:51:40 am
7 hours in the ER, a CT, and nothing found.  Guess I'll go fill the 2 pain meds they prescribed. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 21, 2018, 10:03:56 am
Sorry to read this.

Pinched nerve?  Did they disable the device in your back, just for testing purposes?

The money I've spent on doctors would've purchased a new Lamborghini.  Insurance picked up less than $100K.  The medical "experts" never were able to do anything but refer me to another specialist.  I had brain scans, color 3D scans of my lungs, and every imaginable scan for which they could use me as a guinea pig.  After they severed the nerve, I felt better.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 21, 2018, 10:09:57 am
I have a controller.  I turned it down earlier in the week to see if that was the problem.  They were suspecting a stone but nothing showed up. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 21, 2018, 10:12:17 am
I drink lots of cranberry juice, because I like it, but in theory it helps prevent kidney stones.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: TopNotch on April 21, 2018, 04:20:34 pm
7 hours in the ER, a CT, and nothing found.  Guess I'll go fill the 2 pain meds they prescribed.

Have you had a MRI recently? If so, were you given a contrast dye containing Gadolinium? Some people are allergic to that, and it can cause pain and a burning sensation.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 21, 2018, 07:41:50 pm
I have a nerve stimulator implanted in my back.  Can't do a MRI. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 21, 2018, 07:55:12 pm
I wonder if you could get a sonogram.  Since it's technically auditory, it shouldn't cause issues.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 21, 2018, 08:13:30 pm
I asked for that last night (because of copay costs) and they said that if it were a kidney stone, it wouldn't show and if there was something else going on like pinched nerve or inflammation, it may not be seen.  My son-in-law (a highly skilled Paramedic) was in the room with me and he corrected the PA.  Made them mad and I think that's why we were there so long for just a CT.  There was no contrast used to see if there was any fluid backup in the tubes.  Tony said that would indicate the area of a stone if one was present.  No blood in the urine, all vitals were normal, urinalysis was normal, so Tony asked why they were looking for a kidney stone. 
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on April 21, 2018, 08:29:26 pm
Yeah, gotta love doctors.

There is a test for nerves.  It probably would wreak havoc on your stimulator, but they send signals down the nerves by sticking needles in you and running current through them.  It used to be a painful, 4-hour ordeal, but it isn't as bad now as it used to be.  I think the last time it took 15-20 minutes, and was basically just annoying.  Using this method, they were able to determine which nerves were severed and where.  I had numerous locations, and my nerves were basically in sections--some as short as 3 inches.  As I recall, they would tweak the controls on their device and control my arm and fingers.

Another possible alternative is deadening.  They can deaden particular nerves, rather than an area.  When they deaden the nerve that is feeling pain, they should know where to look for the problem.

Since you're so active, you probably don't have this, but sometimes people get calcium deposits on their spine, which pinches nerves.  Basically, just suffer through it.  I don't remember much more about it, except that it took several weeks to recede.

Of course, I'm no medical person.  I'm just spitballing.  I have no idea what these things cost, but I ran up huge medical bills.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: TopNotch on April 21, 2018, 09:48:45 pm
Charlie, as you know, I have had back trouble at times. About a year ago I started taking glucosamine and chondroitin pills (generic ones from Wal-Mart). I've been doing pretty good since then. It's worth a try if you haven't tried it.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on April 21, 2018, 09:55:02 pm
I haven't tried those, but I'll certainly look into them.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on June 03, 2018, 01:15:30 pm
You OK, Charlie?
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: Fierofool on June 03, 2018, 03:48:34 pm
The back is OK as long as I take care of it.  Just busy with RFTH tshirts, members tshirts, RFTH planning, and a lot of personal things to handle.
Title: Re: Taking A Break
Post by: GTRS Fiero on June 03, 2018, 03:50:39 pm
 That's good to read, but I was worried because I hadn't seen you on for 2 days.