All Things Fiero > General Fiero Discussion


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When I set up the email address, it was to provide a record of emails relating to official club business.  Sometimes those email discussions may not be something that should be immediately privy to the general membership.  I negotiate hotel, tshirt, restaurant
, and other pricing.  Bank account information is tied to the email account. 

Every time our president, vice president, or secretary changes, we change the password to preserve the Need To Know purpose of the email account.  We would need to do the same every year as our membership roll changes, deleting access to non-paid members and adding new paying members.  In addition to the 3 officers, both Admins have access. 

I can see who logs into the club email and I seem to be the only officer who monitors the email account, and it's a pretty heavy job to keep it cleaned out of all the spam and notices we get about this and that, especially from Southeastern Wheels.  Usually a half dozen or more event emails daily just from them.  Most are Non-Fiero or outside our theatre of reasonable attendance.   

If we used the club email as our method of communication, I feel it would take us further away from our website.  As it is, people are using other media to post so much of their Fiero related items.  Seems they'd rather put it elsewhere than on the club website.  It just doesn't help promote the club when event photos, events, projects, new Fiero purchases or for sale is out there disassociated with Georgia Fieros. 

One of the recurring subjects has been about how to recruit new members.  If we have a dead website, who would want to join?  Even with those who post their goings-on on Facebook, it doesn't get posted on the club's Facebook page. 

But, if the Board of Directors wants to open access to everyone, we can share the password. 

I wasn't suggesting that the email be used for "all communications". That would be cumbersome. Just that emails addressed to "the club" would be seen by all club members.
Aside from that, I don't see how ANY usage of email would that detract from the website/forum. They're two completely different animals. But that's not pertinent to my point. 

I have a specific reason for asking. But this is probably not the correct place to bring it up anyway. Nevermind. I'll just bring it up at the next meeting, if I'm there.


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