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Anyone know where to sell catalytic converters?


Tha Driver:
I've tried everywhere I can find online but no one is buying the cats. One place said they would buy them if I had a receipt for the new one I replaced it with. :rolleyes: I have several off of parts cars I need to sell...
aka Tha Driver

Encore or Seymour's won't take them?  Tell them you are an auto service company. 

Tha Driver:
They won't take them either. I've called a bunch of places, told them I have a shop, I have all the parts cars here, & even offered to give them the VINs. I have 6 or 7 to sell & need the money...
aka Tha Driver

I have two in my storage building that burned down.  Came off my cars.  Let me know if you find a place.  I'll call my niece who works at a U-Pull-It type yard and see what she can do. 


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