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Messages - MetalBlue85GT

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
The Market / Re: 1985 Pontiac Fiero GT
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:43:17 pm »
I am on pause for my Fiero for the time being -We have to get him a car he will drive so we can have our freedom back.  Thank you for all the help I will check in from time to time.

If help is ever needed let me know.

The Market / Re: 1985 Pontiac Fiero GT
« on: March 17, 2015, 04:08:34 am »
His name was not Carey. It was Dante. He may show up here, I gave him a few cards for the website. He fell for Fieros from the recent Duane Johnson movie.

The Market / Re: 1985 Pontiac Fiero GT
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:07:34 pm »
Sold to a young man in Douglasville.

The Market / Re: 1985 Pontiac Fiero GT
« on: March 14, 2015, 01:17:42 pm »
I got a call on the car within the first 15 minutes. I am showing it tonight or tomorrow.

The Market / 1985 Pontiac Fiero GT
« on: March 14, 2015, 12:25:39 pm »
Happy to say that I am putting up the MetalBlue85GT for sale. Maybe this will lead to my Fiero to be continued.

If interested txt or call - Four O Four 8 Six Three 2 1 O O - Randy


Reason for sale:
The car was bought for my 15 year old son in 2013 we worked on it for about a year and just after we got about 8 hours into his permit driving; he was in a different car and was in a bad car accident. He now says this car is too aggressive and is driving my truck instead. I have another car so this is now extra.

If It sells before next weekend (not likely)  I will be counted out of the St. Patrick's day parade.


Club News / Re: February Meeting and BBQ Run
« on: February 13, 2015, 08:59:45 am »
Good morning.

On both weekend days this week I have plans with family. I am going to miss the club meeting and Will not be able to attend the drive Sunday.

have fun.


Good morning,

I wanted to let the club know that I am moving the parts car (1986 SE RED) to Ron's  custody with the Title and all of the parts. I collected Zero money from anyone buying parts. Only a few people took parts form the car. I did not purchase the tail lights as I had bid in the Forum so they are still in the car. ( since I will be selling the metal Blue 85 GT )

The Honor system was used and donations should have been posted through PayPal.

Today at 1PM I am meeting Ron at his house in Powder Springs to drop the car off.

- There is a set of 4 Red jack stands which I obtained form when we picked up the Donor cars in TN that will be left with this car.
- I still have ramps and Air-tools from Charlie that I need to get back to him. I will keep those until we can meet up.
- There are 3 rims loosely loaded with this car and I believe two in the rear are Rays Tires and wheels.

I am sorry this process didn't go as planned; I was happy to donate my garage and helping taking apart the car.
- I hope it can generate more for the club in the future.

Happy New Year


Tech Tips, Tech Questions / Re: 85 GT Auto - ECM conversation
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:35:02 pm »
I have a plate that I took off and put an a new EGR - I can try that.

Here is why I fixed the EGR system. Does anyone have any experience that is different?


This basically says that I will start running rich, and that the car will lose gas mileage - before I took off the plate it was definitely running chokingly rich and it was getting about 17mpg. after the plate was taken off it balanced out on fuel burn and I am getting about 20mpg.

Anyway - I think I would rather have it not studdering.

So I will put the plate on as a test.

Tech Tips, Tech Questions / Re: 85 GT Auto - ECM conversation
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:29:19 am »
The 85GT ECM I have is  Service # 1226869. Which matches what I should have as stock. The one out of the 86 SE is Service # 1227302 (Camaro when I search the Internet)

Everything that I was chasing with the second ECM is a ghost. So I am starting from ground zero.

85 GT has a studder at cruise and you can feel it more when the TCC sole is locked.

Tech Tips, Tech Questions / Re: 85 GT Auto - ECM conversation
« on: October 04, 2014, 11:21:36 am »
Some other research I have done:


Looks like the 85 Auto has its own Part number - I may be chasing a ghost  :-\

Edit: The ECM is from a Camaro - Service # 1227302 (Guess I should have looked at that first.)

Oh well back to the drawing board.

I will wait to hear what people think.

Tech Tips, Tech Questions / Re: 85 GT Auto - ECM conversation
« on: October 04, 2014, 10:56:24 am »

Removed 85 ECM installed 86 ECM drove freeway speeds for 15 miles; the computer did adjust but it is not quite right yet (but probably for other reasons where I need to do the timing the old way with #1 TDC. and see where the mark is.) it seemed to bog down at highway speed during acceleration and either Back fired or fired forward. (a fluff sound near intake)


Successes - Studder sputter chugs are gone.

Issues - Got two codes with the 'borrowed' ECM 34 (MAP sensor) and now 54 (low power fuel Pump relay)

For CODE 34 - I bought a second MAP Sensor installed it :: Disconnected power for 20 seconds and restarted the Car.  The code is still there so I went to drive it for a little bit the code is still there.
For CODE 54 - I think I am going to take the car to Advance and check the battery and ALT - it seems to be starting slow so the battery may be low and I wonder if it may be that the Alt isn't putting out enough power.

OK - so here is another question - If the engine in the 86SE was not a stock 2.8 could it be that the computer I am using is not a match?

how could I tell?

:) just a thought

Tech Tips, Tech Questions / Re: 85 GT Auto - ECM conversation
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:06:38 pm »
I will try that this week some night and let you know how it goes.

The power and shifting delay has me skeptical a little. But I can do it. Now I need a Map Sensor too. side bar troubleshooting

Add to the list -

02 sensor (I did that and forgot to list it. I had a new one laying around. )

Tech Tips, Tech Questions / 85 GT Auto - ECM conversation
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:09:18 pm »
85 GT 3spd Auto.

I have this: Shutter, Jitter, spudder, during cruising when the TCC locks just as I hold the throttle not accelerating not slowing.

Here is what I know:

- New fuel pump no help ( fixed my stalling after an hour though)
- new plug wires didn't help
- putting the old ones back in didn't either
- New coils no help
- old coil back in no help
- New plugs no help, new plugs again no help.
- new distributer no help (found old distributor had cracked Magnet and couldn't find jut the magnet)
- new ICM no help
- other old ICM no help
- TCC recently changed (was stalling - fixed that but no help to this)
- Transmission fluid flush no help

So in talking to Charlie, I borrowed the 86SE Computer (auto trans too) and installed it. right off the bat I got a Check engine light (34 map sensor). The Acceleration was not correct either. It was shifting really slow and taking too long to shift to 2nd (with low power). But I did not get the jitter, shutter, spudder that I was getting I think.

So the question is should I even mess with this 86 SE computer is there something so different with it controlling my 3 speed verses what I think is a four speed Auto?


General Fiero Discussion / Re: Strange Oil Pan
« on: August 18, 2014, 07:44:27 pm »
Score! 8)

General Discussion / Re: Need your prayers for Mrs. FieroFool (Mel)
« on: August 15, 2014, 03:18:35 pm »
Stay Strong Charlie, you and your family are in my prayers

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