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Messages - CowsPatoot

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
General Fiero Discussion / Re: Suede seats?
« on: August 29, 2020, 11:06:04 pm »
Leather on the outside, suede in the middle.  That was the upgraded option for 87.  It would also have had the vinyl map and dash pockets like an 88.

Club Events / Re: Run For The Hills #24 Pictures
« on: October 01, 2019, 09:40:55 pm »
I'm lazy, and don't feel like feeding a gazillion pics into PIP....so, you can get the full stack of them here: http://fieroinfo.com/RFTH24/

Raw and un-edited....feel free to use them for anything you want to use them for.  I am still working on the video.  I have two really nice sections with multiple camera angles that are already synced up.

Club Events / Re: RUN FOR THE HILLS #24
« on: July 09, 2019, 09:42:20 am »
Yup...226A below Little Switzerland is the Diamondback.  Wonder if those grooves I left in the pavement are still there.

Club Events / Re: RUN FOR THE HILLS #24
« on: July 08, 2019, 04:32:23 pm »
So...we ARE doing the Diamondback again?  I haven't been back there since the wheel incident...I am anxious for revenge.  Just wish I could have the convertible ready by then...she wants revenge, too.

Club Events / Re: Scouting and Documentation For Run For The Hills 24
« on: July 08, 2019, 04:22:42 pm »
One alternative is to use the Blue Ridge Parkway...

Just a reminder...according to the official rules, any group of 10 or more vehicles on the Blue Ridge Parkway is supposed to be registered with the Park Ranger.  However, apparently nobody follows those rules, because nobody seems to know how or where to register.  For RFTH19, it took me about 15 phone calls before I got in touch with the head guy in charge of the area...and he sent me a letter (so it was in writing) that they were aware of it, and it was approved.  I had that letter with me during the run.

If I were doing it again, I wouldn't bother trying to register...and if we were questioned, "No sir, we aren't together...I have no idea who these other Fiero owners are."  I just like people to know when they are breaking rules so they can be prepared in case they are caught.

Club Events / Re: RUN FOR THE HILLS #24
« on: June 20, 2019, 07:50:23 pm »
Does that mean we'll also get stuck with your awesome videos and Fierfly's great pictures?

I'm afraid so...not only will we be there, but we will be collecting evidence.

Club Events / Re: RUN FOR THE HILLS #24
« on: June 20, 2019, 01:16:22 pm »
Time off requested...hotel reserved.  You are stuck with me again.

I saw a couple things mentioning Solstice/Sky...is the Kappa club going to join us?

Club Events / Re: RFTH 23 Rerun
« on: October 10, 2018, 04:25:35 am »
Wish I could join you.

Club Events / Re: 23rd Annual Run For The Hills Pictures
« on: September 28, 2018, 09:37:17 pm »
Most of the pics behind her were done blindly...just holding the camera out and clicking.

Club Events / Re: 23rd Annual Run For The Hills Pictures
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:34:15 pm »

I think Sharon was pointing out that we were hitting the curves hard enough to have windshield washer fluid leaking out.

Club Events / Re: 23rd Annual Run For The Hills Pictures
« on: September 28, 2018, 04:11:26 pm »
1. How long until they noticed the sign was missing?
They noticed it missing that day when they were cleaning up from the show.  For the record, it wasn't stolen by me (I have never been to Fierorama).

2. Did the sign vanish before or after the show?
After the show...as the guilty party was leaving the show.

3. Where is the sign headed, next?
It is headed toward The Fiero Factory next...then we will see who picks it up from there and takes it to the next show.

4. How did NIFE, um, say they wanted the sign back?

Club Events / Re: 23rd Annual Run For The Hills Pictures
« on: September 26, 2018, 01:27:42 pm »
Cool video! Is there any way to get a copy?

Absolutely...I put a copy in the same location as the pics.... http://cowspatoot.com/rfth.  Or....were you looking for the raw video?

Club Events / Re: 23rd Annual Run For The Hills Pictures
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:07:55 am »

The story about the "Fiero Show" sign...
The sign was originally stolen from Fierorama.  NIFE has noticed that it was missing, and wants it back.  It was decided that it should tour the country before it finds it's way back to them.

Club Events / Re: 23rd Annual Run For The Hills Pictures
« on: September 18, 2018, 02:05:34 am »
Feel free to post the good pics, too.  I won't be able to until I  get home next week.

Club Events / Re: 23rd Annual Run For The Hills Pictures
« on: September 17, 2018, 01:47:23 am »
I glanced through the pics Sharon took...but still haven't had a chance to organize them in any way.  She took 687 pictures...most of them while on the move.  Lots of good ones in there.  I probably won't get a chance to sort them until I get home next week...but I did zip them up and throw them on the server.  You can get them at http://cowspatoot.com/rfth.  Warning: it is a 2.7 Gb file.  You will be limited by my 10 mbps upload cap, but don't worry about using my bandwidth...I'm not home to use it anyway.  The full resolution copies of the Dragon pics are also in that folder.

I screwed up and missed recording the Dragon run...but I got some other good video.  However...I recorded it in 1080p at 120fps, and it seems my laptop can't handle 120fps...so I won't be able to edit it until I get home.

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