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Messages - RobsFieros

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 60
Your still sending my emails to the wrong email address. My email address is RobsFieros58@comcast.net If you leave the 58 out it doesn't go anywhere. RobsFieros@comcast.net has been deleted. Comcast lost me while I was down because of the wreck.

Wow, post 949 was busy... ;D

General Fiero Discussion / Re: East Tennessee Fiero Club (Back Open)
« on: July 01, 2011, 10:26:24 pm »
This is something new we're trying out. I'll let you know how it works out.

I think we need a north and south part of our club. Maybe Have a northern part run by Derek and Rick Osborn, and the southern part run by Darrell and Me. And everybody getting together at our monthly club meetings. To catch up on what and how things are going. And to meet each other.

General Fiero Discussion / Re: East Tennessee Fiero Club (Back Open)
« on: June 30, 2011, 09:30:38 am »
I guess I need to change the name of this topic. I think I will. We are not reopening soon anymore.
The East Tennessee Fiero Club is open. And taking on new members. And this is our website http://home.comcast.net/~robsfieros58/site/?
I built this website and our new forum.

Our new website still has the wrong members listed on it. And the old forum. That's the ETFC website, that I haven't had a chance to update yet. Mainly because we are the East Tennessee Fiero Club, not ETFC.

Here's the new link for our new forum. I deleted our old forum, we had to much trouble out of some people.
You have to register and be approved by me before you can post.



General Fiero Discussion / Re: Run For The Hills #16
« on: June 14, 2011, 03:37:49 pm »
Wish I could go, but I don't think my leg will hold up just yet. But maybe later.  ;D

Go to our new website and check out our photo's, you're all there.


I'll remember how to do this someday...

This is the website I put together. But it's temporary, until I get the new one finished. http://home.comcast.net/~robsfieros58/site/

I was there, and it was a great ride. It only took us 2 1/2 hours to get there and 3 hours to get home. We stopped and bought some roses for mom. I may have to start coming to some of the meetings now. And I'm also getting away from the cane, hopefully this week and it'll be over with. Great bunch of people down there, but I already knew that.

I will be there  ;D

I'm just coming down to visit Charlie and Mel, and Conrad and Johnnie sometime Saturday, quickly. My dogs will be home waiting on me.


Rob, I put it on my calendar... will be happy to finally meet you!

Fiero GTB

I'll be waiting...

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